Welcome to Calm Cube

Change your State of Mind

Calm Cube Comfort 3D Render

The Calm Cube is a small and portable electronic device. It generates different types of vibrations to help you change your state of mind.

Need a Structured way to Calm Down? Or need help falling asleep? Need to Focus? Looking for creativity? Want to feel Refreshed and Energized in a deterministic amount of time?

Explore the different types of Calm Cubes, and how they can help You, your Family and your Pets.

Which Calm Cube is right for you?

  • Calm Cube Comfort - Calm Down, on Cue. Clear Your Mind, Help you Relax and Reduce Stress
  • Calm Cube Sleep - Can't Sleep? Try this Natural, Calm and Slow, 30 Beats per minute Vibration
  • Calm Cube Pet - Calm Pet, Happy Pet. Calming vibration to provide a sense of Comfort and Security
  • Calm Cube Accelerate - Get into The Zone, in 100 Seconds. Accelerate from Slow to Go
  • Calm Cube Create - Looking for Creativity? To feel Focused, Motivated, Energized and ready to Create?

Calm Cube Comfort

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Calm Down, on Cue
Clear Your Mind - Help you Relax - Reduce Stress - Aid for Studying - Aid for Sleeping

Calm Cube Sleep

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Can't Sleep?
Try this Natural, Calm and Slow, 30 Beats per minute Vibration

Calm Cube Pet

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Calm Pet, Happy Pet
Find the perfect calming vibration for your pet

Calm Cube Accelerate

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Get into The Zone, in 100 Seconds
Giving you a deterministic approach to accelerate from Slow to Go

Calm Cube Create

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Looking for Creativity?
To feel Focused, Motivated, Energized and ready to Create?

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